Friday, March 6, 2009


Here we are already into March by a week!  I feel like the next month or two is already over.  We have a few events coming up which always makes the time fly by!  We were lucky enough to have my sister Rachelle and her husband Joe down last weekend.  It was a lot of fun to be able to spend time with them!  So Thank YOU both for coming down!!!  My old roomie and good friend Lora and her little fam are coming to town in a week and a half!  I haven't seen her in a year and a half so we are excited to see her, meet her new little boy Parker and see how big Ellie has gotten!  Then the week after that we are off to California with McKay's family, we are so excited for a little Vacation time together.  Then it is end of year at work for me which is always super busy.  Then my parents are coming in mid April.  

It should be pretty crazy but it is all fun things coming up so I am pretty excited!  Plus we've had our first taste of Spring around here and that always gets me excited for what's to come.  I can even handle the snow and cold we have blow through between the nice days.  It is just wonderful to have a few nice days here and there around this time of year!

As always we have a few pics of Carter and none of us! :)  Maybe we'll actually get in front of the camera while in Cali.  Carter is doing well.  He had his 6 month check up this week and came out pretty well.  He grew an inch so he is now 27 inches but only gained 1/2lb. which means he is only 14.4 lbs.  We are stuffing him full of food so he can put on a little weight...although the doc said it wasn't a big deal.  He took his shots like a man and slept if off through out the day.

McKay is doing great.  He is excited for our upcoming trip and people that are coming in and out of town as well.  He is also doing a 100 mile bike ride with some of his Fire buddies the first Saturday in April in Moab.  He is always looking for something to challenge himself with physically...I need to get a little more of that going on with myself!  He is doing great with the part time stay at home dad gig.  He is SO great with Carter!  I am one lucky girl!

Oh yeah onto our pics for the month....

Carter fresh out of the bath all wrapped up in the Lion towl that The Evans got for him.  I love these hooded theme towls, they are too cute!

McKay took these shots the other day while I was at work.  We have been trying to get Carter to spend more time on his belly...he is actually enjoying it for a few minutes for once! :)

What a cutie!
And here he is just being a sweetheart!  He really is such a joy!  Lately he has been sleeping better...or wait maybe I am just sleeping harder.  McKay says he got up with him a few times last night, and I didn't hear a thing....Oops...more sleep isn't bad at all!  Go McKay.