Saturday, February 13, 2010

Just some pics I have taken over the past week...

An update on the Wads...we are all doing pretty well. McKay and I are a little bit sleep deprived, but I try to get a nap in every day even if it is a short one. And McKay usually can get a good night sleep at work. Funny you'd think he'd get less sleep at work being a Firefighter, but the station he is at right now doesn't get many calls at night. Lucky him! Carter is still doing great with Sylvie and as you can see by the pictures below, he loves to hold and kiss her at least a few times a day. It is really sweet.

One morning last week Carter was watching cartoons and wanted Sylvie to sit next to him on our bed.

Carter riding his horse with his awesome cowboy hat.

Sleepy Sylvie

Some cute cowboy hat pictures.

Carter being a sweet big brother.

Proud big brother

Wide eyed Sylvie in her brown fluffy dress. :)